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Home Contests GlobalGiving Accelerator Program – June 2020 (matching funding of $30,000+)

GlobalGiving Accelerator Program – June 2020 (matching funding of $30,000+)

Application Deadline: April 17th 2020

The GlobalGiving Accelerator is an opportunity for you and your organization to build skills, access tools, and grow your base of supporters to achieve crowdfunding success. When you graduate, your organization becomes a permanent member of GlobalGiving, and you’ll have access to all the tools, training, and one-on-one support available in the GlobalGiving community.

How It Works

The GlobalGiving Accelerator is a virtual training program and crowdfunding campaign that will help you take your fundraising to the next level. Following an optional one-week training curriculum, you’ll be entered into an Accelerator campaign where you’ll raise at least $5,000 total from a minimum of 40 different donors in order to graduate and secure a permanent fundraising spot on the GlobalGiving platform.

Any registered nonprofit (anywhere in the world!) is eligible to apply. We’ll support you as you reach out to your own networks, and tell your story in new and compelling ways. Donors can give in USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, and AUD, helping you reach your supporters in the US, the UK, and beyond. We’ll also provide matching incentives for your donors, and bonus prizes for the most successful participants.

  • Crowdfunding 101;
  • Mapping your potential donor network;
  • Storytelling and email appeals; and
  • Creating SMART goals.

Benefits for Graduates

Organizations that successfully complete the GlobalGiving Accelerator by raising at least $5,000 total from a minimum 40 different donors will earn:

Permanent membership in the GlobalGiving community, including ongoing opportunities to attract new corporate and individual donors

Inclusion in a GlobalGiving press release announcing the Accelerator graduates (example)

A custom media kit to help promote your accomplishment

A certificate of completion from GlobalGiving

Additional promotional opportunities, including through GlobalGiving’s social media or homepage, for top-performers

Win Extra Funding from GlobalGiving!

GlobalGiving provides several opportunities for organizations to win Bonus prizes or matching funds during the Accelerator crowdfunding campaign.

  • Bonus Day: During the Accelerator, GlobalGiving will have one Bonus Day during which GlobalGiving will match online donations up to $1,000.
  • Most Funds Raised Prizes: At the conclusion of the Accelerator campaign, the project with the most funds raised during the campaign will receive $3,000. The organization that raises the second highest amount will receive $2,000 and the organization with the third highest amount will receive $1,000.
  • Most Unique Donors Prize: At the conclusion of the Accelerator, the project with the most unique donors during the campaign will receive an exclusive reward.

June 2020 Accelerator

  • April 17, 2020 Please submit a fully completed application. If your application is incomplete, you may be ineligible to participate in the June 2020 Accelerator.
  • May 8, 2020 You will be notified by our staff of your application status
  • May 18 – 21, 2020 Free, virtual training program
  • May 22, 2020 Project submission deadline
  • June 8, 2020 Accelerator crowdfunding campaign begins
  • June 26, 2020 Accelerator crowdfunding campaign ends

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the GlobalGiving Accelerator Program

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